
Wrestling with the chip

Hello from Oriental North Carolina. Carol and I have been visiting and resting with our friends D and Don. While traveling down the ICW we realize that the new chart chip we bought was not working. I called Navionics and verified that the same level of detail we see on the iPad/iPhone is on the chip we bought. We were missing most of the bottom detail that showed where it gets shallow, i.e. we ran aground because we could not see the bottom contours. Nothing bad the bottom here is just mud. I worked with support, both Raymarine (chart plotter manufacturer) and Navionics (chart chip manufacturer) without any success. Raymarine suggested an engineering company that fixes this type of issues. After receiving an email indicating that the chip should work on our plotter I decided to give it one last IT try. I went back to the basics. Fist I copied off the chip’s configuration files then reformatted the chip the long way. With a little playing around I was able to load charts on the chip and bam it works. The screenshot below shows the bottom contours we did not have on the Raymarine (primary) chart plotter before I fixed the chip. The shot also shows D and Don’s dock that we are staying at. Fixing the chip saved me purchasing a new plotter and $1,000. Yea

Our current plan is to leave Friday December 9th and get as far past Beaufort North Carolina as we can before anchoring for the night.

2 thoughts on “Wrestling with the chip

  • Glad you were able to fix it. You sure need to know a lot to live and travel on your own boat.

  • Most of what you shared is “Greek” to me….but I get that you had to make more adjustments. Sailing is not just lazing on deck with a Martini & canapes is it???
    Sail on dear friends, sail on…..
    {{hugs}} Sherri-Ellen aka BellaSita & **purrss** BellaDharma

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