
We have not forgotten you – Full Moon

Below are nice shots of the moon from our marina overlooking the Indian River / ICW. Wednesday, November 1 we are taking the boat to Cape Marina to take her out for a month of maintenance. I (Greg) hopes to do all the work myself. At $135.00 per labor hour getting help really cost. Next week we will try and keep you abreast of our progress. Tentative tasks to be accomplished include; sand and paint bottom, examine sand and barrier coat the rudder, replace the driplass shaft, polish the hull, and service the through-the-hulls. We will be staying in a AirB&B condo for the month.

2 thoughts on “We have not forgotten you – Full Moon

  • 15andmeowing

    Beautiful photos. Good luck with the maintenance.

  • Mistur Greg you sure are a Handyman an wee hopess THE maintenance goess well fore you.
    Miss Carol wee hope THE Air Bee an Bee iss a nice change fore you an Sassy an Boo an Tinkerbell an yore Mistur…..
    BellaNova our Pee C iss goin inn to Pee C place tomorrow an wee bee offline fore 2-3 dayss…..
    Wee hope to catch up with youss by next weekend!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

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