
Update on water intrusion …

Friday night we were able to get a hotel room but had to walk a little to get there as there were no rides available. I borrowed a dock cart to carry what we needed. We were spent, once we were in the room, we showered and dropped. Saturday Greg focused on cleaning the cabin (inside), sole (floor) and the cockpit so the boat can be livable again. Sunday we moved back on and started repairs. The main part of the bilge has been cleaned and the old broken bilge pump has been removed and the new pump and switch install is started. Sunday Carol found a driver and I tried to get the parts needed to complete the pump install but it is Sunday and most hardware stores are closed. Carol made a Walmart run for food and more degreaser. Tomorrow I will continue the search to connect 1 1/8” pump outlet to 1 1/2” hose. It sounds so easy! A delay here means we stay here as we have no automatic bilge pump.

So far the damages are not very bad. We have not checked out the diesel or replaced the broken wire but except for our pride and a couple of couch throws …. and our new freezer it is dead. I think it needs a new control board. This is assuming that the dripless shaft does not leak when the prop turns. I am still searching how to install a second bilge pump and for a bridge alarm.

Thanks for the many concerned calls and notes. We go out of our way to be safe but we got bit. We are still happy with our lifestyle. A few new safety items are now higher on our wish list; EPRIB and life raft to name a few. These are big ticket items and will wait a while.

One thought on “Update on water intrusion …

  • It’s always something right Greg?? I hope you can repair sweet dreams well enough to sial & can also purchase all the high $cost$ items you need!
    Sailing sounds so lovely in itself; I think the other side of that is the price to make that happen…as long as you both are happy & the 4 leggeds are happy, we say GO FOR IT!!!
    Much love Sherri-Ellen & **purrss** BellaDharma

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